Grace - "Daddy, did you toot?
Daddy- "Yes, I did. Excuse me"
Grace- "That stinks"
Daddy- "No, it doesn't. It smells like flowers"
Grace - Immediately looks at daddy with a completely serious and awstruck face and says in sort of a whispered, questionable tone ....."You ATE flowers?"
hahahaha.....oh, Grace. you are too funny sometimes. of course, after we all laughed..the scene had to be completely reinacted with every line being said the same exact way as it was the first. She always does this. I swear she really is going to be an actress.
Also, I finished the rocking chair a few weeks ago actually, but forgot to put it up. It was custom to match her room. turned out cute I thought :) Someday I really am going to make my own girls a chair...geeze.

Some news that is also worthy of mentioning is that I will not be taking any new orders until July 1, 2008. I have enough orders right now to keep me very busy, and there are lots of family things going on in June, so I need to be realistic and make sure that I am not rushing things..especially for the sake of my customers. If you are interested in something in early July or even very late June...get in touch with me ASAP and I can see if I am able to fulfill.
Thank you, and have a fabulous day!
For those of you that may be reading this because I sent you a Relay For Life fundraising letter from Grace and Lydia....welcome! Please leave a comment or e-mail me. I would love to know that you stopped by.
"It is never too late to be what you might have been!" - anonymous
Typical Grace story! She is so fabulous! You know what? Good thing us two are so crazy over the internet, because you are able to tell Grace & Lydia stories that all will remember & be able to tell them. Then I have pictures to show them growing up. :-D
The story and chair are great!
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